- 13/08/2023

We live in very vulnerable times: the disastrous war in Ukraine, the ongoing political crisis in Israel, the division among the Jewish people.
More than any other year, lots of people worldwide, especially in our region, needed our urgent help this year. Therefore, this year we had to focus on providing significant financial and humanitarian aid to those harmed by the war. At such times, more than anything else, saving lives – is our true mission and purpose. In this, we, the leading Jewish organizations of the world, have to be united – to be ready to react, respond, and come to the rescue when needed.
It is precisely why the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress organized the strategic conference in past December: to gather the world’s Jewish leaders to reflect on what has been done and to discuss our next steps.
We must continue to strive and do whatever we can to end this deadly war. But, in a sincere hope that it will end soon, we have to consider “the day after” as well – what will the Jewish world be like, and what consequences will we face?
However, we shall not only discuss – we got to act. It is in times like these that our influence and diplomacy are most valuable: saving lives, bridging gaps, and bringing peace. So it’s time to show what the Global Jewish Community and we, the leaders of the organized Jewish World, are capable of.
Therefore, I call on my colleagues: let’s mobilize around the Jewish communities of the Former Soviet Union, as once the Jewish World rallied around the Soviet Jewry. Let’s help those who decided to make Aliyah, to emigrate to other countries, or to stay in their community. It is our duty to help them out, whatever their decision is.
Four years ago, we established the Institute for Euro-Asian Jewish Studies. We have already conducted several large-scale surveys of the Jewish Population in the post-soviet countries. We support in-depth historical studies and closely monitor what’s happening in our region. We believe it’s crucial to analyze the situation, to rely on scientific data and opinions of the experts, and not just assumptions.
In times of massive outreach through social networks and the instant spread of information, populism becomes a tool for easy and quick engagement of the masses. People are attracted by simplistic, shallow ideas not backed by any credible data. We fight this fiercely when it comes to anti-Semitic theories and hate speech. But we do not always notice when misleading statements spread among the Jewish community. When the atmosphere in social media is tense and emotional, and the flow of fake information is uncontrollable, we must be much more cautious and accountable for what we say.
This applies to the situation in Israel today and starts from the very top.
We call on Israeli leaders to unite and put aside our internal conflicts. Today it’s crucial to overcome the extended political crisis and cease the feeling of division and hostility. To act and talk responsibly. To compromise, to be partners with disagreements on the one side but with a deep sense of shared mission on the other.
Today, as Israel becomes more and more powerful, the worldwide Jewish community sees the Jewish State as a great source of inspiration and pride. An old dream of a Jewish State as the center of the Jewish world, the light for the Jewish Diaspora and nations of the world – is no longer just a dream. We have all the means to realize it. And we should always be aware – the Jewish world watches us with great expectations. The stronger the Jewish State becomes – the more eyes on us and the more responsible we become for the safety and well-being of Jews of the Diaspora.
Thereby, the Jewish world needs us to be strong and dependable. When we are so deeply divided by our internal disagreements, we won’t be capable of helping our brothers and sisters in Diaspora when needed. Today, more than ever, unity among Jewish people is critical. Therefore, a clever, balanced, and coherent state work with the Diaspora is essential.
The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is not a political structure. We always support the Jewish State and work with every government to be established. But we expect every government to always bear in mind the bigger picture, considering our relations with the global Jewish community and playing an active part in the life of the Diaspora.
At the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, we will continue our efforts of building bridges, promoting unity, and bringing different parts of the Jewish people closer. Together, united as one, as our people have been for centuries, we will overcome these difficult times.