- 25/06/2020

Most of the programs and activities of the EAJC office in Central Asia (Mitsva Association) have switched to the online format, which has significantly expanded their audience.
The online platform of the Rimon Jewish community center in Almaty offers 16 volunteer projects for different generations. The online Rimon Mini-Club offers lessons for preschool children. Young community activists, young families, and older people take part in psychological training, intellectual games, discussion platforms, needlework and culinary classes.
Future youth leaders from the School of Madrichim have begun creating projects on the Jewish Ashkenazi culture. They will develop and defend a learning course designed for classes, training, and seminars at the Rimon community center.
Participants of the online Theater on Wheels acting studio are already working on a mini-performance dedicated to the Rosh Hashanah.
The Jewish community of Kazakhstan took part in the global Shabbat, which brought together 500 people from 90 cities of the CIS and the State of Israel.
Participants in a culinary master class dedicated to Shavuot prepared milk chocolate pudding, a traditional dish of the European Jewish communities.
The contribution of the evacuated intellectuals to the development of Kazakhstan’s culture became the topic of the Tenth International Historical scientific and practical conference “Evacuation to Kazakhstan” to be held in Almaty on September 23, 2020, under the auspices of the Mitsva Association, the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, and Euro-Asian Jewish Congress.