In August 1940, almost at the age of 60, one of the brightest Jewish political figures of the 20th century, Vladimir Zeev Zhabotinsky, passed away.
Jabotinsky devoted his life to political activity for the sake of the Zionist project and the future Jewish state.
His ideas, which had a great impact at the time, did not lose their relevance, continuing to inspire and to guide many Israeli politicians till today.
Zhabotinsky’s political and social life was tightly linked with his writing. He had an unrivaled writing talent and his literature legacy consisted of numerous letters, articles, masterpiece novels and many more.
Zhabotinsky’s talent was widely recognized by the great Russian writers, who believed that his political career was an only obstacle for him to be included in the list of classic Russian literature.
2020 is celebrated in Israel as the year of Zhabotinsky, since it’s the 140th birth anniversary and the 80th death anniversary of the prominent Zionist leader.
In this regard, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is working on the release of the famous collection of feuilletons by Zhabotinsky. Published in 1922 in Berlin, the collection has not been reprinted since then.
Almost 100 years after, we are honored to convey to the readers today timeless ideas of an outstanding visionary and one of the most influential Jewish politicians of the 20th century.