Today we are stepping into the new Jewish year of 5781. We decided to deviate somewhat from our traditional greetings and wish first and foremost you and your loved ones good health.
The past year was very difficult for Israel and for the whole world. The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has always seen its duty in providing assistance to communities, specially in such circumstances. In the course of the past year, we supported several projects that were on the verge of closure, for we believe mutual assistance to be the most important principle of our work.
Next year, the EAJC will continue to work in all major areas: countering anti-Semitism, preserving the historical memory of the Jewish people, developing Jewish national culture, community building, and supporting the Israeli state’s interests. We will also continue to provide support to Jewish communities in the Euro-Asian region affected by the pandemic.
This past year was full of important and serious work under very tough conditions. However, we continued to do everything possible to ensure the prosperity of our communities and our people.
A lot has been done, and even more needs to be done in the upcoming year. We wish you a good and sweet, and most importantly, a healthy New Year!