EAJC leaders condemn the disturbing incident that took place on 1 January in the Armenian capital. A neo-Nazi group of 15-20 people organised a march through the centre of Yerevan shouting Nazi slogans.
Leaders of the Congress are alarmed by the increasing number of anti-Semitic incidents in Armenia. The EAJC President addressed the Armenian Prime Minister:
“Dear Prime Minister,
Let me share with you our deep concern about the neo-Nazi march that took place in Yerevan on 1 January.
In today’s world, due to the lack of education and attempts to rewrite history, the terrible crimes of the Nazis against the Jewish people and the whole world are subjected to moral revision by some marginalized groups.
But the marginality should not mislead us. It is a dangerous phenomenon that should be nipped in the bud.
Nazi ideology, imbued with virulent anti-Semitism, is not only dangerous for Jews. Ideologies of hatred and racial superiority ultimately corrode society itself and threaten its foundations.
Therefore, the sprouts of such movements must not be allowed to develop freely. Especially in a time of significant increase in anti-Semitic incitement in the world, when violent rhetoric can swiftly turn into physical violence.
We call on you to take decisive action against this dangerous phenomenon and we are ready to provide any support in this endeavour.”
The procession was organized to commemorate the birth date of Garegin Nzhdeh, who collaborated with the Nazis during the Second World War. The EAJC strongly opposes the rewriting of history and the glorification of Nazi collaborators, whatever the motives behind their actions. This is a dangerous precedent and a very “slippery slope” that threatens to further expand the legitimization of Nazi ideology. Society must be unequivocal in condemning individuals who collaborated with the world evil.