- 18/10/2021

On the eve of the 80th anniversary of the Babi Yar tragedy, with the support of the EAJC, the book “Righteous Among the Nations. Ukraine”about the Ukrainians who saved Jews during the Holocaust was published. As part of the events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Babi Yar tragedy, the book was presented to the President of the State of Israel, Yitzhak Herzog.
The book “Righteous among the Nations of the World. Ukraine ”contains about 2700 names of Ukrainians who saved Jews during the Holocaust. This is a complete list of Ukrainians officially recognized today by the Israeli Holocaust Memorial Complex Yad Vashem as Righteous Among the Nations. This title on behalf of the State of Israel has been awarded by a special commission since 1963 to non-Jews who helped Jews during the Holocaust. Today, about 27,000 people have already been recognized as Righteous in the world. Ukraine ranks 4th in terms of the number of the Righteous.
All the names of the Righteous Ukrainians in the book are grouped by region, the book contains stories of the salvation and photos of the Righteous themselves.
The book was initiated by the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine and published by the publishing house “Our Format” with the support of the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Complex, the Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial Center and the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. PDF-version of the book is available.
“There are about 2,700 names of the Righteous Ukrainians in the book, who have been officially recognized as such to date by Yad Vashem. In addition to the complete list of the Righteous for each region of Ukraine, we have also given individual stories of the salvation of Jews and published photos of the Righteous themselves,” – said the first vice-president of the EAJC, President of the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine, Boris Lozhkin.
“During the terrible years of World War II, there were people who could not remain indifferent to the tragedy of the Jewish people. And, thankfully, there were a lot of them. More than two and a half thousand righteous people are officially recognized in Ukraine. We must remember this and pay tribute to each of them. Therefore, it was especially important for us and our colleagues from the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine to publish this book, which we have the honor to present today,” – said EAJC President Dr. Mikhail Mirilashvili.