- 19/04/2023

On Yom HaShoah, Israel’s Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day, The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has launched a special project – ‘Holocaust. An Attempt to Understand’.
The project presents an online exposition designed to introduce users to the topic of the Holocaust. The project is divided into three chapters: the first one immerses the visitor into the scale of the Holocaust with the help of numbers and proportions, the second one explains how it happened and how it became possible, the third one asks the question of why we should continue talking about the events of the Holocaust and invites to delve deeper on this complex subject.
The project is available at: holocaust.eajc.org
The EAJC pays considerable attention to educational projects about the Holocaust.
Earlier this year, EAJC arranged the online premiere of the animated movie “263 Nights”, which reveals the story of 26 people hiding from the horrors of the Nazi occupation of Minsk in a dug basement for 263 days. The movie won an award at the Moscow Jewish Film Festival in October 2021. This year, Yefim Gimelstein, surviving witness of those events, lit one of the six remembrance torches at the official Yom HaShoah commemoration ceremony at Yad Vashem.
In 2020 EAJC launched a special website collecting educational materials about the history of the Holocaust (“SHOA”).
In 2021 EAJC supported the publishing of the book “Righteous Among the Nations. Ukraine”. As part of the events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Babi Yar tragedy, the book was presented to the President of the State of Israel, Yitzhak Herzog. The book is available online.