- 24/04/2018

Yesterday (Monday) at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Moscow, a solemn reception was held in honor of Israel’s Independence Day. In addition, immediately after the official reception of the embassy, a unique event took place in honor of the centenary of the legendary Israeli theater “Habima”: a meeting of leaders of Jewish communities of Russia, the diplomatic corps and representatives of the Russian government with theater actors, leading directors and actors of the Moscow theaters. Deputy Prime Minister of Moscow Dvorkovich and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdanov represented the Russian government.
The special guest of the Moscow Jewish community was the historian and writer Michael Bar-Zohar, the first biographer of David Ben-Gurion and Shimon Peres who told the audience about the preparations for declaring the independence of the state and the struggle for it, which continues until this day, as well as political and diplomatic collisions.
The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress supported the events.