The main task of “Hillel CASE – education of the new generations of educated and enlightened Jews who are proud of their heritage, the involvement of Jewish youth in the process of the revival of Jewish life and raise a new generation of Jewish leaders, the study of Jewish history, religion, traditions and culture, the formation of Jewish identity of young Jews , the implementation of programs aimed at promoting the spiritual development of young people in education and culture.
The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress actively supports the activities of the organization and assists in the implementation of the following projects:
HAP (Hillel Art Project)
The project is conceived as a platform for professional, creative development in the company of like-minded and new friends from different cities. Under one roof collected participants from different cities of the region, led by star to teachers, the real masters of their craft to comprehend the secrets of creative professions. Every year, 30-40 participants gather in Kiev, where they painted and photographed, removed, and write, produce advertising and installation. In a word – create.
HAP- is a four-day workshop consisting of lectures, workshops and creative studios. This is a great opportunity to socialize and make new friends in gilelevskoy family
The project involves the introduction of actively produced during the workshop skills and knowledge into practice “Hillel” in the field, as well as creating the actual product operations for the 4 days of the seminar, applicable in further Hilel’s life.
HAP includes the four artistic direction:
– Video: try for yourself and learn all the nuances of shooting (script, directing, shooting, editing) within the format “48 hours”?
– Theater. Participation in staging theatrical process, acting work, in parallel with the obtaining of relevant knowledge (rhetoric, stage speech, acting)
– Media. Getting knowledge and practical skills of modern media technologies. Blogging and vlogs, the subtleties of creating content for the social. networks
– Art. A study of trends in contemporary art, as well as the creation of installations, the creation of individual creative products.
Intellectual wars
The international tournament on the popular smart games. Intelligent War Hillel – a unique educational project, born in Odessa in 2007. The International tournament on intellectual games involving teams “Hillel» CASE region, Odessa Jewish organizations and teams from other cities and countries. Since 2013 the festival has received the status “International”. For teams from Belarus, Moldova and Russia were joined by representatives of Israel. In 2018, for the first time in history, USA representatives joined.
Summer Forum
Every year in late August, “Hilel” gathers more than 150 new kids on the Black Sea, to, acquaint them with programs and projects that inspire “Hillel”. Top madrichim trained in gilelevskoy “School madrichim” prepared for the participants of a unique thematic program, which will never be repeated. Five days of educational and entertainment programs, intellectual battles, interesting meetings, new friends, good mood and positive sea, contribute to the fact that most children become regular participants of our programs, and eventually many of them can be seen among the activists and leaders of the “Hillel” of their cities.
Hillel Case